December 11th, 2017 Announcements
#YouBYou Connect
~~~~~~~~~~End of Fall Semester~~~~~~~~~~
End of Course Exams (EOCs)
EOCs must be completed in order to graduate. Do not miss these days. You should have recieved an email from Mrs. Pierce about your EOCs.ROGERSVILLE: December 18th at 12:45pm.
Return Textbooks
Please return ALL of your OTC Middle College Textbooks to Mrs. Stine as soon as you are done with them. If you have lost your books, please talk to Mrs. Stine as soon as possible.
Service Project
Let's have a fun day together to give to others and help families have a good Christmas.
18-19 December 2017
9am - 12pm
Transportation Provided (Buses leave at 9am.)
These are required schools days and attendance will be taken.
These are required schools days and attendance will be taken.
Internship Interviews
Ms. Loveland emailed all students who are signed up for interviews on December 18th. Please check your email. Ms. Loveland will assist you with your resume and tips for a successful interview. Check your email for details!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Coming Soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Last Week of Classes!!
Want help studying for finals?
Mama Charla Club
Monday - Friday
3:30-5:30 pm
ITTC 211
Intersession Classes - 3-12 January 2018, 8 am - 3 pm
- Physics: .5 HS credit (This is different than Physics First.)
- Intro to Physics: 1 HS credit & 4 college credits
- Journalism: .5 HS credit
- Credit Recovery
- Life Hacks 101: One hour class to learn how to build resumes, fill out job applications, search for scholarships and write scholarship essay.
For more information and to sign up today click here, even if you are not attending.
Snow! Ice! School?
Make sure you sign up for emergency notifications through MyOTC to get an awesome text stating that you can stay in bed and not be counted absent!! When classes are cancelled.
We will also let you know via MC social media accounts. So get connected today!
Remember OTC has 7 campuses and you only want the information for the Springfield campus.
Remember OTC has 7 campuses and you only want the information for the Springfield campus.
~~~~~~~~~Just In Case You Forgot~~~~~~~~~
- Check your email on a daily basis! This is how your teachers and MC communicates with you!!
- Subscribe to this blog! So you don't miss out on important announcements, helpful links and showcasing of talents.
- Breakfast is served every morning in the MC office.
- Need help with scholarships and or college applications? Mr. Myers and Ms. Loveland are here to guide you and well as Life Hacks 101 with Ms. Loveland.