2019 JumpSTART

We are excited to welcome back our Seniors and all our new students to Middle College. To start the year off right JumpSTART is a crucial part to the Middle College experience.  During JumpSTART you will get to know your peers, teachers, OTC, receive your schedules, attend Leadership Ranch and so much more!  Seniors, on August 2nd you will have your professional senior pictures taken, there are no make-up days for senior pictures.

Today, we are mailing out packets with all important details: Tooth Truck information for those who are eligible, forms which are missing, and information on background screening information for students in Early Childhood and Health Services. Every senior MUST have their meningococcal shot prior to the first day of school to be able to attend classes. You will be able to obtain this on August 8th. 

Below you will find the brief schedule information for Seniors and Juniors. Make sure you look at the right one since they are different. Pictures are also on our Facebook page and in your packets.

We can't wait to see you soon! Enjoy the rest of the summer.

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