Schedule Classes for 2018-2019

We would like to hear from you on your class preferences for 2018-2019. In order for us to do this, we need you to do this as soon as possible.

Here is a scheduling sheet that will be extremely helpful to know how to fill out the form. This sheet shows the classes which we are offering for both semesters. Choose a first and second preference for each block and three preferences for a pathway. You will do this for both Fall and Spring semesters.

After you fill out the sheet, use that to complete the scheduling information on this Google Form.  If you need assistance filling it or do not know which classes you need please contact your Middle College counselor.

Email (click on name for email) or call your counselor:
Seniors 2019 - Ms. Loveland - 417.447.6975
Juniors 2019 - Mr. Myers - 417.447.2617

Reminder - the sooner you complete this, the more likely you will get more of your class preferences. The later you complete this, the more classes we will have to chose for you. 

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