JumpSTART Week!
We're kicking off our fall semester with JumpSTART week and we are anxiously awaiting to spend time with you all! Every day will give you an opportunity to learn about Middle College, the expectations for success, who you will be going to school with, and the great staff and teachers that will be working with you this year. All juniors and seniors will be participating in exciting activities, field trips, and learning important information on how to be successful at OTC and beyond.
The first five days of JumpSTART are different depending on if you are a junior or a senior.
Monday, August 7
Juniors Seniors
8:30am -12:30pm ITTC Building 7:00am - 12:00pm ITTC Building
Scavenger Hunt, receive your schedule, Leadership Ranch! Ropes course near Republic.
learn about college life, and get set up. Comfortable shorts, t-shirts or tank tops, with tennis Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. shoes. Use bug spray and bring a water bottle.
Tuesday, August 8
Juniors Seniors
7:00am - 12:00pm ITTC Building 8:30am - 3:30pm Lincoln Hall Leadership Ranch! Ropes course near Senior Picture Day! Mandatory Senior group picture
Republic. Comfortable shorts, t-shirts or tank will be at 11:30am. If you are a new Senior you will
tops, with tennis shoes. Use bug spray and need to meet in ITTC, 211 at 9:30 am to complete
bring a water bottle. you Access OTC process.
Wednesday, August 9
Juniors Seniors
8:30am - 12:00pm ITTC Building 8:15am - 3:00pm ITTC Building
Field trip! Tour a business in your career Field trip to Missouri Southern State
pathway and hear from industry experts. University in Joplin! Wear comfortable clothes. Lunch will be provided. Bring a water bottle.
Thursday, August 10
Juniors Seniors
8:30am - 12:00pm ICW A&B 8:30am - 11:30am ICW A&B
Learn how to prepare for success on Field trip to Missouri State University!
campus. You'll spend time with your Wear comfortable clothing and bring a water
advisors and students in your advisory time. bottle.
Friday, August 11
8:30am - 11:00am ICW A&B
Team building at the park! Wear comfortable clothing, tennis shoes and bring your water bottles! Brunch will be provided.
We can't wait to see you all there!
Your Middle College Team.